Duotone Select Concept Blue 2024
Für 2024 erhält das Select einen neuen Shape und eine neue Konstruktion und wird eins unserer ersten Twin-Tips in der Concept Blue-Range von Duotone. Nicht nur werden für seine Konstruktion nachhaltigere Materialien verwendet, das Select erhält auch ein frisches Design und legt damit in der neuen Saison noch einen Zahn zu.

Neu beim Modell 2024: ein asymmetrischer Deck-Shape, eine aktualisierte Outline und unsere neue Concept Blue-Konstruktion. Flachsfaser bietet in Kombination mit Basalt-Stringern ein sanftes, aber einnehmendes Fahrgefühl. Gleichzeitig handelt es sich bei beiden um natürliche Materialien, die viel nachhaltiger sind. Das Select ist die perfekte Wahl für Fahrer, die gerne cruisen und große Sprünge auf dem Wasser machen wollen. Es bietet außergewöhnlichen Komfort, Performance und Geschwindigkeit, die dich jedes Mal, wenn du auf dem Wasser bist, begeistern werden. Durch das asymmetrische Deck werden die Flexeigenschaften auf die Fersen-Edge des Boards konzentriert – für einen insgesamt besseren Pop. Das größere Space-Flex-Fenster in den Tips sorgt für zusätzliche Dämpfung und verleiht dem Board ein federndes Gefühl, ohne die Performance zu beeinträchtigen. Das Select ist auch ein großartiges Board für wenig Wind; es sorgt für blitzschnelles Planing und bietet bei Bedarf viel Power und Performance.
Concept Blue products are our next step towards a better future and an additional element in our Save Our Playgrounds campaign. Our R&D Team is dedicated to design products with the latest and most sustainable materials available on the market. To help protect our playgrounds, we are committed to examine what we are already doing while continuing to explore what can be done in the near future and decades ahead. A sustainable ethos drives everything we do, from selecting and sourcing raw materials for our products to the manufacturing process and the lifecycle of everything we create. Concept Blue is the next chapter.
For the twin tips, we are using Flax Fibre to completely replace Glass Fibre in the production process; it offers similar properties, but with many added benefits. It is a natural material that is eco-friendly to create, far more so than traditional glass fibre. Additionally it offers superior dampening capabilities compared to Glass Fibre and has excellent torsional flex characteristics. These attributes make it a great material to use in our twin tips.
Two of our most popular twin tips are now part of the Concept Blue range, featuring new materials for kiteboards: Flax and Basalt. The Flax plant grows exceedingly fast; it can be harvested after just 100 days, which means it uses fewer resources to get to the finished product. For the twin tips, we are using Flax Fibre to completely replace Glass Fibre in the production process; it offers similar properties, but with many added benefits. It is a natural material that is eco-friendly to create, far more so than traditional glass fibre. Additionally it offers superior dampening capabilities compared to Glass Fibre and has excellent torsional flex characteristics. These attributes make it a great material to use in our twin tips.

For the twin tips, we are using Flax Fibre to completely replace Glass Fibre in the production process; it offers similar properties, but with many added benefits. It is a natural material that is eco-friendly to create, far more so than traditional glass fibre. Additionally it offers superior dampening capabilities compared to Glass Fibre and has excellent torsional flex characteristics. These attributes make it a great material to use in our twin tips.
Two of our most popular twin tips are now part of the Concept Blue range, featuring new materials for kiteboards: Flax and Basalt. The Flax plant grows exceedingly fast; it can be harvested after just 100 days, which means it uses fewer resources to get to the finished product. For the twin tips, we are using Flax Fibre to completely replace Glass Fibre in the production process; it offers similar properties, but with many added benefits. It is a natural material that is eco-friendly to create, far more so than traditional glass fibre. Additionally it offers superior dampening capabilities compared to Glass Fibre and has excellent torsional flex characteristics. These attributes make it a great material to use in our twin tips.

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